Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello this is our blog on digital citizenship

Students who are using Proxy avoidance tools to get around school filters; consequences... case by case basis.

Teacher concern- with all the various tools out there in terms of students creating and demonstrating their learning how do we manage that in terms of their not getting lost in the tools, and finding tools that are right for them. Solution: we don't know. What are our top ten list of things we use: Google docs, Presi, Photoshory, Google presentation,, iMovie, Smart Notebook and Google Sites.

Nancy Willard's disinhibition, laying bare the facts, showing the printscreen, D2L, showing transcripts of the page going back and forth between the students; showing that to students, parents. This behavior did change. no substitute for the filter between their two ears. Personal pref- no filters, up to teachers to walk about.

We talked about social networking issues, like Facebook, meanness, cyberbullying, and what we won't say to each other f-to-f but will online; I showed them videos that are in your face. Video was about sexting... I actually stop the video, and have them respond to "what should you do here?" Find the videos at

We story about sharing your password. Family member's email password stolen. Like best friends share their locker combination, now share passwords. Got in the wrong hands. Person was using it, putting hateful messages with my family member's account. Got the police involved, and principal; everything was reset.

Cell phone use in the classroom. Was an anti- until you can see what it can do. Put the cell phones etc in the "box"... during exams. Use same guidelines as Alberta Ed... if it falls out of pocket, get a zero. they can have cell phone on desks upside during class. If they need it they have it right here.

We talked about whose responsibility it is... K through highschool... plagiarize ... assume teachers have citing skills; but not necessarily true. Where do we teach them that and are we modeling it?

Emerging issue with iPads; 18 that students share. We have a privacy issue there.

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